We worked for the second consecutive year for the Kilchoman Distillery, a great Whisky Brand based in Islay, Scotland. After developing the Brand film the year before, we’ve been asked to make three different profile films based on their main whisky products and the people behind them.

This time we focused more on the small elements that makes great the different whisky, but also we wanted to explore a bit more around Islay. It felt good to be back on Islay, it’s such an amazing place. We filmed with Alexa Mini and Cooke S4i Prime lenses, pairing our A camera with a RED Helium S35 for slow motion and macro footage. We experimented a lot with all the different locations and elements we had at our disposal, especially liquids, food and some fire.

Machir Bay

In the “People Behind the Whisky” series we meet Anthony Wills, Founder and Managing Director of Kilchoman Distillery. Anthony and his wife Kathy created Kilchoman from a collection of derelict farm buildings in 2005, in doing so they established the first new distillery to be built on Islay in over 124 years. Their passion for whisky and ambition to revive the traditions of farm distilling has transformed Kilchoman from a fanciful dream into celebrated reality.

100% ISLAY

In this, the second of our People Behind the Whisky series we talk to Islay Heads, General Manager here at Kilchoman. A true Ileach, Islay’s affection for the island, its’ people and produce is reflected in his passion for our 100% Islay philosophy. As General Manager Islay oversees every part of our unique barley to bottle whisky-making process. From planting the barley to bottling the whisky, Islay ensures no corners are cut in our pursuit of crafting the finest single malt possible.


Meet Robin Bignal, Production Manager here at Kilchoman. As production manager, Robin oversees the key whisky-making processes at the heart of the distillery. From the malting and distilling to maturation and cask selection, Robin’s passion, knowledge and understanding of our unique hand-crafted practices guarantees the quality and consistency of each bottle of Kilchoman.


Client: Kilchoman Distillery
Video Content Agency: RD Content
Producer: Andrew Griffin
Writer & Director: Zach Joseph
Dop: Paolo Bischi
Additional Photography/Drone Op: Jeff Clark
Edit: Zach Joseph
Grade: Paolo Bischi
Sound Design: Angus Steele
Music: Artlist IO