ENG: Following Contador – A journey through the passion for cycling. Alberto Contador and members of the Team Fundacion Contandor are invited at the ‘RHXDUE’ event which was organised in October 2014 by rh+ who supports their dream of becoming professional cyclistst. The film follows these talented young cyclists as they train for the week leading up to the ascent of the Gavia and Mortirolo passes.

IT: FollowingContador - a journey through the passion for cycling. I ragazzi del Team Fundacion Contador sul Gavia e Mortirolo durante le seconda edizione di RHXDUE. Il racconto di una settimana di allenamenti di queste giovani promesse insieme allo staff tecnico della squadra... in attesa dell'arrivo di Alberto Contador.


  • Production: Ciclica

  • Director/Cam op: Paolo Bischi

  • 2nd Unit Cam op/Photo: Francesco Safina

  • Year: 2015

  • Audio: Spanish

  • Subtitles: English
