‘One drink. And if you never want to see me again you never have to see me again.’

A quantum physicist and a beekeeper meet at a barbeque. They hit it off, or perhaps they don’t. They go home together, or maybe they go their separate ways. In the multiverse, with every possible future ahead of them, a love of honey could make all the difference.

Sheila Atim and Ivanno Jeremiah - Sony Venice + Rialto Module / ARRI Signature Prime

Peter Capaldi and Zoë Wanamaker - ARRI Alexa Mini LF / ARRI Signature Prime

Anna Maxwell Martin and Chris O’Dowd - ARRI Alexa Mini LF / ARRI Signature Prime

Omari Douglas and Russell Tovey - ARRI Alexa Mini LF / ARRI Signature Prime

Nick Payne‘s beautiful and heartbreaking romance Constellations is revived in the West End with a twist: four different casts take turns to journey through the multiverse exploring the infinite possibilities of a relationship; each refracting the play afresh. Starring Sheila Atim and Ivanno JeremiahPeter Capaldi and Zoë WanamakerOmari Douglas and Russell Tovey, and Anna Maxwell Martin and Chris O’Dowd.


  • Director / Michael Longhurst

  • Camera Direction & Production / North South

  • Lighting Camera (Couples 1&2) - William Knights (Couples 3&4) - Paolo Bischi
    Camera Operator - Paolo Bischi, Andrei Lionachescu
    1st AC - Dominika Besinska, Shane de Almeida & Nacho Muñoz de León
    2nd AC - Marta Garcia
    Sparks - Duane Jay, Jed Ponsford, Natalya Walker, Werner Van Peppen & Magdalena Rak
    Head of Sound - Barnaby Davis
    Sound Engineers - Dylan De Buitlear, Kris Tunmore, Les Mommsen, Francis Gardner, Pete Middleton, Emanuel Agbo & Charlie Cronin
    DIT - Joanns Buncelmans
    Editors - Carly Brown & Craig Chaplin
    Colourist - Paolo Bischi
    Mixed and Mastered - Blackbird Audio